Wednesday, 27 August 2008

Make the Most of Your Car


Get better mileage (& reduce pollution) by following these simple rules:

  • make sure your tyres are inflated to the correct pressure (this is up to 10% more fuel efficient) & check them once a fortnight & before long journeys. For safety ensure your tyres are in good condition, not worn or damaged, that the treads & tyre walls have no flaws or sharp

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    objects in them.

  • drive smoothly anticipating road conditions and avoiding fast acceleration and sharp braking.

  • make your car as light as possible by emptying your boot of unnecessary items (every 45kg / 100lbs of unnecessary weight reduces fuel efficiency by 1%).

  • drive at 55 mph (88 kmph) when it is safe to do so (this is the most fuel efficient speed to drive at and up to 25% more fuel efficient than at 70 mph).

  • get your car tuned each year (this gives up to a 5% fuel advantage).

  • use radial tyres (they are up to 4% more fuel efficient than cross-ply).

  • use quality oil & change it as often as the manufacturer recommends. (The better the quality the more fuel efficient your car will be as engine friction is reduced).

Sharing your car – Car Share Registers

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One of the major environmental problems affecting Colchester and the world at large is the gridlock of our transport systems. The major problem is caused by the number of cars on the road. Many of them with only one occupant. It would be very beneficial to the environment if we could reduce the number of car journey's we make.

Car sharing would have a big impact and can be achieved with a bit of thought and here are some ideas for car sharing to get you started:

  • Travel to work with your colleagues. Travelling to work is responsible for the rush hour gridlock.
  • Pick up your children's friends when you drop them off at school or clubs. The school run is a major cause of congestion throughout the country. Have you noticed how quiet the roads are in the school holidays.
  • Take your family friends or neighbours with you when you visit the superstore.

And if you wish to share a journey but cannot share it with your existing acquaintances why not register your needs with one of the car sharing services below. However, make sure you make suitable enquiries and satisfy yourself that you will be safe if you intend to share your journey with a stranger.

You shouldn't charge for sharing your car journey's but it is reasonable to share costs.

National Car Share Tel: 01344 861600

Liftshare Tel: 0870 0780225

My Street Car

Car Pool World
This is the website for the Community Car Share Network. it has details of its RideSmart scheme, which will allow its member organisations to use internet technology to handle bookings for their cars.

City Car Club

