Get better mileage (& reduce pollution) by following these simple rules:
make sure your tyres are inflated to the correct pressure (this is up to 10% more fuel efficient) & check them once a fortnight & before long journeys. For safety ensure your tyres are in good condition, not worn or damaged, that the treads & tyre walls have no flaws or sharp
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drive smoothly anticipating road conditions and avoiding fast acceleration and sharp braking.
make your car as light as possible by emptying your boot of unnecessary items (every 45kg / 100lbs of unnecessary weight reduces fuel efficiency by 1%).
drive at 55 mph (88 kmph) when it is safe to do so (this is the most fuel efficient speed to drive at and up to 25% more fuel efficient than at 70 mph).
get your car tuned each year (this gives up to a 5% fuel advantage).
use radial tyres (they are up to 4% more fuel efficient than cross-ply).
use quality oil & change it as often as the manufacturer recommends. (The better the quality the more fuel efficient your car will be as engine friction is reduced).