Our Projects

We currently run the following projects:

RePaint Colchester

The Colchester and Wivenhoe Farmers' Markets

ReUse Essex

We manage the website Reuseessex - a searchable by postcode directory of Community Organisations that accept and redistribute unwanted items throughout Essex

Green Open Days

We organise Green Open Days in Essex Annually

Energy Doctor

We operate a free energy switching service. We are members of the Big Energy Saving Network, a project funded by the Department of Energy and Climate Change to offer a free, impartial energy bill review service to local consumers. In addition to reviewing energy bills and advising if cheaper options are available, we will check to see if you are entitled to other benefits such as the Warm Home Discount and see if other options such as loft or cavity wall insulation will benefit you.

Although the Big Energy Saving Network normally operates between October and March each year we have decided to offer the service throughout the year.

The service is operated in partnership with Colchester Borough Council.