

General Enquiries -  

Local Food and Farmers' Market Enquiries - 

RePaint Enquiries -


Blog – General Environmental information and information on en-form. You can subscribe to the post by entering your e-mail address and support us by being a follower.

Facebook - en-form - General Environmental information and information on en-form, Posts from other organisations
Facebook – Colchester Farmers’ Market – Information related to Colchester Farmers Market and some local food issues
Facebook – Wivenhoe Farmers’ Market - Information related to Wivenhoe Farmers Market and some local food issues
Facebook – RePaint – Information related to the RePaint Project only

Twitter – en-form – All general environmental information and information on en-form. Includes Lists you can follow on various environmental categories such as Recycling, Energy etc.

E-mail Groups 
en-form Yahoo Group send blank e-mail to This group allows all members to post and respond to posts. Includes information posted by en-form and acts as our mailing list. 

Colchester Farmers Market Yahoo Group send blank e-mail to This is our e-mail list reminding customers of the Market a week in advance. 



Farmers' Markets

 Give Or Take – Allows you to give away or ask for items no longer wanted 

Reuseessex – Directory of groups in Essex that accept unwanted items to sell or giveway.
