Friday, 5 September 2008

9 Things To Do to Encourage Birds to your garden


  1. Put up a Bird table (in a clear space far enough away from cover where a cat might hide) or feeders.

  2. Provide a wide variety of food including seeds, nuts, fruit and suet blocks.

  3. Provide water for drinking and bathing. Consider putting up a bird bath.

  4. Plant trees and shrubs which bear attractive berries in the autumn, such as Elder, Rowan, Holly, Ivy, Fire Thorn, Cotoneaster, Hawthorn, Privet and Spindle which will provide food for many species of birds.

  5. Plant trees and shrubs which attract insects and are good for refuge and nesting for birds.

  6. Put up nesting boxes.

  7. Do not use slug pellets as these are harmful to all animals including your pets.

  8. Do not use pesticides as these kill the insects the birds feed on.

  9. Start a compost heap which will become alive with invertebrates of many types. It will also stay frost free in winter providing a food source for birds.