Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Green Open Homes Day–Opportunities for Business


Our Green Open Homes project allows us to work with Businesses, particularly local businesses involved in installing or providing environmental services to local homes. We are inviting you to become involved in this project in the following ways:

1. Suggesting Suitable Properties 

Do you have clients in Essex who have carried out any environmental improvements to their property and may be prepared to show them to the public on Green Open Day. If you do, could you put them in touch with us. They will not be committed to anything at this stage. This may be an opportunity for you to promote your services if you have been responsible for the improvements. Obviously a referral from a satisfied client is the best form of advertising. You may be able to persuade your clients to take part by offering them an incentive if new clients are referred to you. Although a super fantastic environmental house would be nice we are also very interested in having ordinary houses with modest improvements as part of the scheme to inspire the general public.

2. Sponsorship and Advertising

We are hoping our funding bid is successful but even if it is we still need to raise some funds ourselves. This means that there may be both opportunities for Sponsorship and Advertising (for example the trail leaflet, website etc.).

3. Discount Vouchers

You may wish to promote your services by offering Discount vouchers to visitors following the Green Open Day Trail.

We would like to include local and particularly environmentally conscious Companies in this project and appreciate the need for you to get something back in return.

If any of the above ideas are of interest or you have other ideas or you would just like to be kept informed of how the project progresses please let us know.

More Information :

Project details

Frequently Asked Questions

Volunteer Opportunity

Opportunities for Business

Press Release

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Colchester Farmers Market


We have been advised that Thumbs up productions will be filming at the Colchester Farmers Market this Friday 1st November 2013 for a new TV series on Channel 4. We have been asked to advise our customers of this fact and that they may be filmed. Please read the notice from Thumbs Up Productions.

Any customers that want to come to the market but do not wish to be filmed please let us know before entering and we will try and sneak you in with a blanket over your head or something.

We are sure they will be discreet when filming but we apologise in advance for any inconvenience caused.


Thumbs Up Productions are currently filming in this area.

Please note there is a possibility you will be in the background of filming.

By entering this area you agree to your image to be used in all media, worldwide in perpetuity.


Thumbs Up Productions

0207 902 9880

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Colchester Green Homes Open Day (New Project for 2014)

We will be running a new project similar to the Open Gardens scheme or Heritage Open Days with other Community Groups in the area.

We are looking for Householders who have undertaken various environmental home improvements and are willing to show their homes to members of the public to encourage them to consider similar improvements to their own properties.

We are now actively looking for householders who have carried out some environmental improvements  to their property and would be willing to Open them up to the public and discuss what impact the improvements have had.

We are looking for all property types but particularly those that are ordinary properties with modest improvements. The main point of the project is to show ordinary members of the public what they can do to their own homes and what difference it will make to their lifestyle.

What we need at the moment are ideas for the event, volunteers and suitable properties. Please post your ideas to this blog and if you are interested in being a volunteer or have a suitable property you are willing to make available e-mail us at

Preliminary ideas:

Geographic area: Colchester and surrounding area (20 mile radius)  Hopefully a property from all Colchester zones and surrounding districts

When : Weekends throughout May 2014 from 3rd May to 26th  May 2014. 

Includes: Wide range of houses and also Community Buildings, Businesses, Schools (eco schools, 6th form college) if we can find some.

  • some overview talks/workshops about possible planning issues and the technology itself, i.e. best technology, mixing technologies approximate paybacks etc. Happy to lead on that if appropriate. Lead John Buchanan
  • Can we piggyback with other events (when is Colchester in bloom), Culver Centre Sustainability day (do allotments have open day)


Organising – Recruit homes, volunteers etc.  Press release, social media, direct contact, through companies e those that provide PV etc.

Event : Free Green homes Trail leaflet. Website, event website press release, social media , could we get County Standard to do a 4 page pullout and map

Sponsorship Opportunities PV Companies etc.

Partners: Transition Town Colchester, ECODIY. Colchester Borough Council

Partners Potential: Transition Town Wivenhoe,  Apricot Centre, Colchester Borough Homes

More Information :

Project details

Frequently Asked Questions

Volunteer Opportunity

Opportunities for Business

Press Release

Check your energy Deal Now


With the first of the Energy Companies to raise their prices by 8% today, now is a good time to review your energy needs for the next 12 months or even longer. (Long term fixed rates still available)

This coincides nicely with the Councils Big Community Switch (see below). Its worthwhile registering as you are not under any obligation to switch but will be advised of the terms they have negotiated.

You have until Tuesday. Do it this weekend.

Alternatively you may wish to check out the market for yourself using a comparison service. We like Eneryhelpline (not least because if you eventually take up an offer from this website, we receive a donation at no cost to yourself and we need the money). All the sites seem to offer the same deals.

Check it out at Energyhelpline


Join the Big Community Switch for possible fuel bill savings

Big Community logo

With rising prices of food, travel and services, Colchester residents can now see if they can cut their home energy bills by switching provider in the Big Community Switch.

The Council is encouraging residents across the borough to register before 18 November to be in with a chance of being offered savings.

Signing-up must be done through the easy, no obligation online form at

An email address, along with a recent bill, showing annual home energy usage and tariff, are needed by all residents to sign up.

Shortly after the national auction on November 19th 2013, all residents who have registered will be contacted by the organiser, iChoosr, with details of their household’s offer.  Savings are not guaranteed but for those offered a better deal who then decide to switch, all will be moved collectively to the winning energy company by early December.

Residents can help friends and family without internet access or an email account to save too.  Up to five households can be registered on one email address and the offer details then passed on following the auction.

Recognising not all residents have access to a computer or an email account, a range of support is now available both from the Council and local organisations so more residents can benefit.

From the Council’s dedicated 24 hour automated information line – 01206 507555, to a step-by-step email set-up fact sheet, and information on other ways to cut energy use.

Residents needing computer access or support with basic IT skills can make an appointment at the Signpost Resource Centre at Greenstead Library to help create an email or use their computers.  Alternatively why not sign up for a basic IT course at The Colchester Learning Shop in the town centre.  Learner sessions can be used to set up an email account and register interest in the Big Community Switch.

Self-serve computers are also available at the Council’s Customer Service Centre and the borough’s libraries, subject to availability, for residents to register themselves. 

Click here for information on what help is available and where.


Register by: November 18th 2013
Auction will be held on: November 19th 2013
Offer Emails and Letters sent out to residents after: November 27th 2013
Deadline to send you confirmation that you would like to switch: January 13th 2014

Thursday, 3 October 2013

New Food Recycling Service Launches in Colchester


For all residents of Colchester, the Councils new Food Recycling service is about to start.

Check when your Food waste Recycling Kit will arrive Click here to see when deliveries will take place

We would obviously encourage you to reduce your food waste in the first instance and then compost in your own garden, see

For anything left over please support this council scheme.

Details from the Council:

Thanks to the Council’s rollout of its weekly food waste collection service Colchester residents will soon be able to recycle all food waste. 

The borough’s more than 62,000 homes already receiving a kerbside recycling and rubbish collection will have a new food waste recycling kit delivered from 14 October.  Urban streets will have deliveries first, followed by rural areas up to 22 November. 

Click here to see when deliveries will take place in each area and for more information about the new collection. 

Residents are encouraged to look out for the kit, delivered to the doorstep, and start recycling straight away, ready for their first collection the following week.  By Friday 29 November, weekly collections from all these homes will have begun. 

Dairy products, meat, fish, bones, fruit and vegetables, eggs shells, bread, tea bags and coffee can all be placed in the lockable bins, helping residents reduce their black bag rubbish and associated smells.

food waste fish

The kit will make recycling all cooked and uncooked food quick and easy.  Each will contain a roll of approved compostable kitchen bin liners and recycling information.  All residents not already part of the successful food waste collection trial will also receive a small kitchen and larger external bin.

Collections will take place in Blue and Green recycling weeks on each resident’s existing recycling and rubbish day.  Adding food waste collections alongside paper, card, glass, cans, aerosols, foil, clothes and shoes, mixed plastics and garden waste, will make it easy for residents to recycle more.

Residents choosing to keep using liners to contain food waste in their kitchen caddy will be able to get affordable rolls of the approved, compostable liners from local stockists across the borough.  A network of retailers and other outlets has been set up in a partnership led by the Council to support both residents and local businesses. 

Everything collected will be turned into green energy for heat and electricity.  By recycling residents are making a valuable contribution to creating a greener borough. 

Residents in flats using communal bins will be able to start recycling both food waste and mixed plastics when these new collections are rolled out further in early 2014.

Monday, 30 September 2013

en-form's New Blog

We have been undergoing quite a few changes at en-form in recent months and reviewing the way we provide information. 

In addition to our 2 Yahoo Groups we have set up a range of Facebook accounts and a Twitter account. 

Unfortunately, our website is a bit old and broken at the moment and we are currently moving a lot of the information to our NEW BLOG. This offers us more flexibility in the short term whilst we review our website. 

The new Blog can be found at Please take a look at the new site. You can follow updates to the blog by e-mail and support us by being a follower (this helps with funding bids). 

We will continue to review our online services and will be sending all our followers/supporters a short online survey shortly so that you can tell us how you want these services to work.

You can find a full list of all our Social Media and online services on our Blog under Contact us. 

You may wish to subscribe to these by clicking the various links. 

Your support is greatly appreciated and as already stated the more people that subscribe to these services the better as it helps with our funding bids. Every Little Helps.

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Save Money Save Energy Course £20

Please find below details of a course that may be of interest to some of you. Breifly

  • course costs £20 but includes overnight accommodation and all meals and refreshments.
  • Its in Chester
  • Help with travel costs is available to individuals travelling long distances. (If you do go please let us know in case travel costs can be shared)

If you want to go on a course but are not a member of a group let us know and we may be able to help (


Save Money, Save Energy
9-10 October 2013
Trainer - Brian Whitington

With winter starting to creep up on us, now is a good time to look at how best to improve the energy efficiency of your home or community building to help keep you warm as well as saving money on your energy bills.

This course will look at how to undertake an energy audit on your home or community building and identify ways in which you can improve efficiency .

You will also be encouraged to think about how you can promote the ideas to your local community.

Find out about what practical help is out there and what funding is available to help take your ideas forward and how to apply for grants - Including the Green Deal and Energy Company Obligation (Free money for energy efficiency!)

You will look at example devices such as smart meters which can be used to help monitor your energy usage and practical examples of insulation which can be replicated cheaply and easily back home.

As we at Trafford Hall, are striving to become carbon neutral, the building is used as a real life example of what can be achieved, you will be given a tour of the building and grounds to look at what practices have been put in place.

This course will be fun, practical, and effective in helping you keep those energy bills down.


"Great tutor, passionate on subject, very genuine enthusiasm, very knowledgeable"

"Very informative and easy to understand, encouraged to take part in the training"

The cost for this course for community volunteers is just £20.00. This price includes accommodation and all meals and refreshments for the duration of courses.
Help with travel costs is available to individuals travelling long distances.
On completion of the course, groups can apply for a grant of £500 to help with a community project.

If you would like to talk to a member of the training team then please email Gary Dutton( or call 01244 300 246.

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Green Links


Energy Management
Good Energy 
Energy Saving Trust
The Green Deal Guide
National Energy Foundation

Renewable Energy Production
Green Energy Team


Grow your own
Online matching service that allows you to find or offer land to growers. If you have a big garden you can offer it on this website for instance.
Grow Your Own (Magazine)
Colchester Allotment Association

Community Projects
Big Garden Project
Colchester Carrot

Local Produce

Vegetarian Society
Vegan Society

Wholesale Foods

Suma Foods

New Economics

New Economics Foundation

Sharing Skills
Exchanging skills with other members of your community has taken many forms over the years, from LETS schemes and Timebanks to web based services. In Colchester we have both a timebank and, internationally the web based service Just For The Love of It. Like all community sharing services however, they rely on having lots of members and the members using them both to offer their skills and to request skills. The Colchester LETS scheme folded in 2002. Details of schemes are given below:

Just for the Love of It
This is a web based Community service that lets you share skills, tools, land and buildings.
Time Bank Colchester
Timebanking UK

Colchester Credit Union
KIVA Loans


en-form – The Colchester Environment Centre
Essex University Green Task Force
Transition Town Colchester
Transition Town Wivenhoe


Colchester Travel Plan

Climate Care
Off-set your emissions by planting trees

The Environmental Transport Association
UK's only breakdown organisation that campaigns for a greener transport policy
Vehicle Certification Agency
Vehicle fuel consumption guide and database
Wombat Car Club
The Colchester based Car club
Essex Liftshare
Free local online car share matching service


UK cyclist's membership organisation, including cycling insurance
Colchester Cycle Champions
Cycle Colchester
Colchester Cycling Campaign
Information on the National Cycle Network

Public Transport
Colchester Bus Users Support Group
Transport 2000
Campaigns for Sustainable transport in the UK


Walk Colchester

Waste – Reduce, Reuse and Recycling

Love Food Hate Waste
Stop unwanted Junk Mail

The famous online auction site that lets you sell everything legal.
Give or Take Essex
Like ebay but free. Lets you post unwanted items you want to give away or request items you want.
ReUse Essex
Online directory with search facility listing organisations throughout Essex that collect and redistribute unwanted items, primarily by Charity and Community Groups but also includes some commercial organisations.

A-Z Guide to Dispose of Waste 
Directory of how to reduce, reuse or recycle specific items in Essex.
Recycle More (VALPAK)
Recycle Now (WRAP)
Information on what can be recycled together with a postcode search of what you can recycle in your area through kerbside collection and recycling bank facilities.
Colchester Borough Council
Details of the recycling facilities available in Colchester.
Use It Again
Waste Busters (Essex County Council)


Water Companies
Anglian Water
Essex and Suffolk Water
Affinity Water (formerly Veolia Water East)

Water Use
Blueprint for Water
7 groups who have set out a blueprint for the UK's Water Supply
Centre for Alternative Technology
has an extensive guide to water harvesting
Environment Agency
Water efficiency advice and to report cases of pollution
Rainwater Harvesting Association
Links to member companies
Campaigns for sustainable water use. Has a useful list of water saving devices

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Volunteers Available


If your organisation or project needs volunteers, the following organisations and websites may help you to recruit them.

University of Essex Students’ Union vTeam.

vTeam is a student volunteer group that wants to build long term relationships with local organisations and benefit the local community. If you have any projects in mind where you might need extra help, we are here to help. We can’t fund any materials, but we will happily provide man power. We have done a variety of tasks in the past, such as painting, digging, surveying, fundraising and helped moving offices.

Student volunteers are available during term time.

A searchable database by postcode and category operated by the Volunteer Centres.

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Local Farmers’ Markets


Bury St Edmunds  - every Wednesday and Saturday Contact Tracey (TW Markets) 07870 437254 or e-mail

Brightlingsea – 4th Saturday of the month  9am-1pm at the Brightlingsea Community Centre CO7 0LG Contact Helen Bishop 01206 302055

Burnham on Crouch - 3rd Sunday of month 9am - 12.30pm Contact Jo Broughton 07932 627574

Colchester – 1st Friday of the month 9.30am – 12.30pm at the Colchester Arts Centre, CO1 1NF. Contact Rowly Castiglione 01206 367776

Felixstowe - 1st Sat of Month 9am-1pm Contact Eric Moss 01728 688166

Frinton - 4th Friday of the month 9.00am - 12.00 noon  McGrigor Hall,  Fourth Avenue, Frinton-on-sea, CO13 9EB. Contact Ivan Clarke phone 01206 230524

Lavenham - 4th Sunday Contact Justine 01787 249168

Long Melford - 1st Sat of Month  10am-1pm Contact Ann Deasy 01787 269502

Maldon - 1st Tuesday Month 9am-1pm Contact Paul Irvine 07768 574407

Needham Market - 3rd Sat Month 9am-1pm Contact Joan Hardingham 01449 720820

Rowhedge - 1st Saturday Rowhedge Village Hall CO5 7HX Contact Yvonne 07780923688 e-mail

South Woodham Ferrers - 2nd Friday month 9.30am-1pm Contact Jo Broughton 07932 627574

Stowmarket - 1st Friday 9.30am-1.30pm Contact Emma Roberts 01449 612060 e-mail . This is a bit off the beaten track customers have to go through a shop to get to it.

Sudbury - last Friday of month 9.30am-1pm Contact Ian Clark 01787 372331

Jimmy's Farm Wherstead - 1st Sat of Month Contact Tanya Sadler 0870 950 0210

Witham - 2nd & 4th Tuesday of Month 9.30am-2pm Contact Wendy Harlow 01376 519440

Wivenhoe – 3rd Saturday of the month 9am – 12 noon at the Congregational Hall, High Street, Wivenhoe, CO7 9AB Contact Rowly Castiglione 01206 367776 e-mail  

Woodbridge - 2nd & 4th Sat of month 0.30am-1pm Contact Ian Whitehead 01379 384593

Thursday, 4 July 2013

COMMUNITY FREE-PAINT! Celebrate 20 Years of Paint Re-use with our Great Giveaway

A project that collects and re-distributes leftover and surplus paint to help brighten the lives of others is offering community groups the chance to win FREE paint as part of a competition entitled ‘Getting Colour from Every Drop’.

Community RePaint Colchester is calling on community groups from across the area to send in ideas for painting projects that will improve the wellbeing of local people or the appearance of local places. The scheme is also offering people who pop in for paint between 15 and 21 July 2013 the chance to pick up fantastic freebies in honour of Community RePaint’s 20th anniversary – with the first 10 walking away with a superb decorating kit.

To be in with a chance of winning at least 20 litres (that’s the equivalent of four BIG tins) of paint for your project, community groups should submit an idea, along with a photograph of the proposed site, and a few details about how the paint will help. Application forms and terms and conditions are available from Community RePaint Colchester. Proposals can be artistic or practical; of benefit to old or young; pretty as a picture or for simply perking up premises!

“The aim of this initiative is to demonstrate how Community RePaint can make a real difference to the lives of local people,” said Andrew Wilkinson, Manager of Community RePaint Colchester. “Community RePaint offers a simple, local solution to the problem of paint going to waste. By re-using it in our communities we can bring a splash of colour to the lives of those who need it most, and help to protect the planet by preventing perfectly good paint from ending up in landfill.”

If your community group needs paint, no matter how much or how little, get in touch with Colchester RePaint on 01206 367776 or

‘Getting colour from every drop’

Dulux has supported Community RePaint for the last 20 years and is helping the Network to celebrate its 20th Anniversary by making two short films about paint re-use to promote the work of Community RePaint schemes. The first of the films ‘A Tale of Two Cans’ is available to view here:

“Dulux is proud to sponsor this fantastic network and is grateful for all the work each scheme does to promote the potential of paint re-use,” said Paul Murgett, Environmental Projects Co-ordinator, Akzo Nobel.

In 2012, householders, traders and paint manufacturers donated 387,495 litres of paint to Community RePaint schemes, which then distributed 218,364 litres to some 2,214 community groups and 17,296 individuals, providing 190 jobs and 1,274 volunteer and training opportunities.


For more information, please contact:

RePaint Colchester

01206 367776

Community RePaint Network

0845 180 0501

07725 760 082

Notes to Editors:

1. What is Community RePaint? Community RePaint schemes collect left over or surplus paint and re-distribute it to individuals, families and communities in need, improving the wellbeing of people and the appearance of places across the UK. In doing so Community RePaint provides social, environmental and economic benefits.

2. 20 years of paint re-use: Community RePaint will celebrate its 20th anniversary during the week 15 – 21 July 2013. Activities to mark this milestone are planned for throughout the year and include competitions and giveaways at participating schemes.

3. Who runs Community RePaint? Community RePaint is managed by Resource Futures, an employee-owned, non-profit-distributing environmental consultancy based in Bristol. The Network has been sponsored by Dulux since its inception in 1993 and forms part of Akzo Nobel’s ongoing sustainability programme.

4. How to contact Community RePaint: includes a postcode search, which can be used to locate the nearest point for finding or donating paint. Alternatively, phone: 0845 180 0501 or email:

Friday, 28 June 2013

Farmers Market Celebrates 10 years


The Colchester Farmers Market celebrates its 10th Birthday on Friday the 5th July.

Andrew Wilkinson of en-form who runs the Farmers Market said ‘At its peak we had 28 stalls and over 900 customers which coincided with the great interest in local food issues a few years ago. In common with the rest of the economy and other local companies the Farmers Market has not done quite so well in recent years as customers have had to tighten their belts. However there is still a wide range of locally produced food available, not only your basic fruit, veg, meat and fish but specialist and more unusual treats to try’.

There is still a lot of interest in buying quality locally produced food particularly in the wake of the Horsemeat scandal.  Although  our local Farmers have had a tough time recently with challenging weather conditions and many well loved local traders have had to give up recently the Farmers Market has every intention of being here for another 10 years.

The Farmers Market will be held on Friday the 5th July at the Colchester Arts Centre from 9.30 am to 12.30 pm.

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Bangers and Cash - Local Charity wants your old Banger

Colchester based Environment Charity, en-form is asking the public to donate their old unwanted cars for cash as part of a novel fund-raising scheme run by the Giveacar social enterprise.

Andrew Wilkinson of en-form said ‘This is a simple and effective way of attracting a new source of much needed donations as well as reducing the amount of unwanted or unused cars lying around. As an environment Charity we welcome any scheme disposing of old cars, particularly those that have failed their MOT in an environmentally friendly way and at the same time making it easy for owners. A win –win situation’

Regardless of their condition unwanted cars are collected free-of-charge nationwide by Giveacar and either sold through an online auction, or disposed of in an environmentally friendly way at an authorised treatment facility. Proceeds from the sale are donated to the charity, with ‘bangers’ that are scrapped still netting an average of £100 for the chosen cause.

En-form who run a range of local environment projects including Farmers Markets, a Paint reuse scheme and 2 Reuse websites, helping residents throughout Essex is the latest of hundreds of charities who have recognised the potential of the car donation service.

Many car owners want an easy and completely free way to get rid of their old car. Giveacar will help them to do this in a legal and environmentally friendly way.

The scheme is intended to discourage irresponsible owners who may consider abandoning their cars – spoiling the appearance of the local environment and costing local taxpayers’ money to remove and dispose of them.

Alex Harvey, Manager of Giveacar, welcomed the partnership. He said ‘We are pleased en-form have joined with us to help solve the problem of unwanted cars in an environmentally friendly way, particularly as they are a local environment Charity themselves.’

To find out how old, unwanted and unused cars can benefit en-form, go to

Tuesday, 11 June 2013



A local scheme which collects unwanted paint and re-distributes it to help brighten the lives of others celebrated its birthday last month. Staff and volunteers from Community RePaint Colchester painted the town red in recognition of eight years of supporting paint reuse in Colchester.

And the party is set to continue, because 2013 is also the 20th anniversary of Community Repaint, the network of 67 projects across the UK that collect unwanted, surplus paint and re-distribute it to individuals, families and communities in need, improving the wellbeing of people and the appearance of places.

“The aim of celebrating our birthday and Community RePaint’s 20th anniversary is not only to mark these important milestones, but also to raise awareness in support of our activities,” said scheme manager Andrew Wilkinson. “RePaint Colchester is a simple, local solution to the problem of waste paint. By reusing paint in our community we can bring a splash of colour to the lives of those who need it the most, and help to protect the planet by preventing perfectly good paint from ending up in landfill. We have been so successful in collecting unwanted paint at the moment that we have plenty to give away to those on low incomes, charities, community groups and schools.”

Getting colour from every drop...

“Dulux has been committed to supporting Community RePaint for the last 20 years and recognises the fantastic work each scheme has done in brightening the lives of those in need” said Paul Murgett, Environmental Projects Co-ordinator at Dulux.

“Over the years the network has grown, meaning more people and communities across the UK can benefit from re-using unwanted or surplus paint which would otherwise go to waste. Dulux is proud to continue sponsoring this fantastic network and is grateful for all the work it does.”

If you are on a low income or benefits and need paint to re-decorate your home no matter how much or how little, or if your charity or community group could use a lick of paint, call Community RePaint Colchester to find out more on 01206 798113.

In 2012 householders, traders and paint manufacturers donated 387,495 litres of paint to Community RePaint schemes, which then distributed 218,364 litres to some 2,214 community groups and  17,296 individuals, providing 190 jobs and 1,274 volunteer and training opportunities.


For more information, please contact:

Community RePaint Network

0113 200 3959

07725 760 082

Notes to Editors:

1. Community RePaint Colchester is run by en-form the Colchester Environment Centre which operates the Colchester RePaint Scheme, the Colchester and Wivenhoe Farmers Markets, the Giveortake,org and websites.
2. What is Community RePaint? Community RePaint schemes collect unwanted, surplus paint and re-distribute it to individuals, families and communities in need, improving the wellbeing of people and the appearance of places across the UK. In doing so Community RePaint provides social, environmental and economic benefits

3  20 years of paint re-use: Community RePaint will celebrate its 20th anniversary in July 2013. Activities to mark this milestone are planned for throughout the year.

3.Who runs Community RePaint? The Network has been sponsored by Dulux since its inception in 1993 and forms part of Dulux’s ongoing sustainability programme. Community RePaint is managed by Resource Futures, an employee-owned, non-profit distributing environmental consultancy based in Bristol.

4. How to contact Community RePaint: includes a postcode search, which can be used to locate the nearest point for donating paint. Alternatively, phone: 0113 200 3059 or email: