This is a new project for en-form so we will update this page on an ongoing basis.
Thank you for your interest in Opening your home on Green Open Day please find below some Frequently Asked Questions for Potential Hosts.
When will the event take place?
The event is scheduled to take place on weekends from the 3rd to the 26th May 2014 and include the following dates:
3rd, 4th, 5th, 10th, 17th, 18th, 24th, 25th, 26th of May 2014
If I register my property now am I committed to taking part?
No. At this stage we are wanting to build up momentum to encourage as many people as possible to take part and to help us attract funding. If you may be interested please register as soon as possible.
What Type of Environmental Improvements does my house have to have?
Anything environmental at this stage a list of some possibilities are included below. However lifestyle change includes just about anything from wildlife gardens to recycling.
- Low-cost improvements
- ‘Big’ insulation works
- Glazing
- Lighting Systems and electrical appliances
- High Spec heating
- Renewables: heat
- Renewables: electricity
- Water Management
- Sustainable building materials
- Lifestyle change
Will my House qualify?
The main point of the project is to encourage ordinary people to see ordinary homes and what is possible. Whilst we are very pleased to welcome homes that have had major environmental improvements we want to welcome as many ordinary homes with a few improvements as possible.
What Area will the event take place?
We are initially working on a 20 mile radius from central Colchester. However if your home is outside this area contact us anyway so we can gauge interest and amend the project if need be
Can I open on more than one day?
Yes you can but don’t underestimate the implications of opening on more than one day. Please advise us if you wish to open for more than one day.
What are the Opening Hours for our homes?
Each host will be able to choose their own Opening Hours between 10am and 6pm with a minimum of 4 hours.
How many visitors am I likely to receive?
This is very variable depending on area and type of environmental improvement you have. Speaking to other projects you can expect between 2 and 40 visitors. Some Superhomes receive up to 80 visitors.
How open is open?
You will be able to specify how you want customers to visit you. You can choose to operate a Just turn up system or a booking system. If you are in doubt choose the booking system so that you can control both the number of visitors and the times they can turn up.
How is the project to be publicised?
The project and more importantly the Open homes days will be promoted as follows:
Press releases, e-mail lists of environmental organisations, Facebook, twitter, posters, flyers and a printed trail map.
In addition each home will be provided with 200 postcards saying my home is open on ............ please feel free to visit me etc. for you to post through your neighbours letterboxes.
We have also been posting mini flyers through the doors of people who have visible improvements such as solar panels inviting them to become open home hosts.
If you have any other cheap ways of publicising the project or the open days please let us know.
Would you like us to promote it actively among our friends and contacts?
Yes we would. Please promote both the open days and the fact that we are still looking for host’s willing to open their homes.
Can I update my details on the website?
Yes please advise us by e-mail and we will amend your entry for you.
Can I change my photo or add more photo’s?
Yes you can just send them into us by e-mail and we will update them for you.
Will their be any help for us on the day?
We are currently trying to recruit volunteers to help hosts. More details will follow.
How will I be kept up to date with this project?
We will be sending information out by e-mail as decisions are made. We will also be inviting all hosts and volunteers to an open day where all questions can be answered and everyone involved in the project can meet each other. This is likely to be in April. More details will follow. As May approaches we will be contacting you more frequently.
What is the main aim of the project?
The ultimate aim of the project is to increase the take up and use of environmental improvements. By allowing visitors to see the improvements in action in real homes and by talking about how the improvement has impacted on your life, evidence suggests people are more likely to install the improvement themselves.
How do I register my interest in this Project?
Just send a quick e-mail to saying I am interested in opening my home on Green Open Day please send me details.
More Information :
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